Problem solving skills
Problem-solving is the ability to search out and solve problems by applying the necessary skills systematically. Problem-solving is a process an ongoing activity in which we take what we know to discover what we don't know
A major goal of education is to help students develop and learn in ways that enable them to use what they have learned to solve problems in new situations. In short, problem solving is fundamental to education because educators are interested in improving students' ability to solve problems. Problems are a part of our lives. Everything has a problem in life we just have to find it.
Maybe some of you have been to Atlanta, Georgia. It is a large capital city with the busiest airport in the world. Two interstates, 75 and 85, cut through the heart of the city, revealing an impressive skyline of buildings. Atlanta is home to Coca-Cola and the 1996 Summer Olympics. The city has a rich historical and cultural legacy. Did you know Atlanta was burned down toward the end of the Civil War? Georgia as a whole was devastated by the ''War Between the States.''
During the war, Union General William T. Sherman boasted that he would ''make Georgia howl,'' and he did. He ordered the business district of Atlanta be burned to the ground. It is believed 40% of the city was destroyed. Toward the end of 1864, Sherman became famous for his ''March to the Sea,'' in which he and his men cut a 50-mile-wide path of destruction throughout the state of Georgia. The path stretched from Atlanta to the port city of Savannah. Railroad lines were torn up, and farms and businesses set on fire, as Union troops adopted a scorched earth policy.
Before the Civil War, the capital of Georgia was Milledgeville. Upon readmittance to the Union, the capital was changed to Atlanta. Atlanta was founded in the 1830s as a railroad hub. Despite being burned down by Union forces in 1864, Atlanta was rebuilt and grew during Reconstruction. By 1880 it was Georgia's largest city. With freed people leaving agricultural jobs and moving to the city, Atlanta quickly became a modern industrial city. In the 1880s electric street cars began operating in the city. In 1886 a former Confederate soldier named John Pemberton developed a soft drink called Coca-Cola. The company thrived, bringing jobs and money to Atlanta.
he needs to eat pies first
God for her:) what is the question so we can help?
These events are called "uplifts".
Uplifts are positive regular events. Day by day Hassles 35 Rush hour movement, long queues, work pressure, burnout are most noteworthy wellsprings of stress and can harm wellbeing Daily Hassles and Uplifts Daily issues are generally minor occasions emerging out of everyday living, for example, losing your home keys and missing the school transport.