A command economy, where a government has full control of the production of goods and services, best fits this scenario.
C - Mexico granted its norhter terrorities to the US. The US terrority now reached all the way to the Pacific Ocean in the west.
The Mexican American war resulted in the Treaty of Guadalupe and gave the US sovereignty over Texas and western terrorities.
The cartoon is drawn to highlight the corruption of the government by the monopolies. You can tell this from looking at the shirts of the people in the top row and the engraving on the wall in terms of monopolies.
In argument or logic, inconsistency often referred as internal contradiction or logical inconsistency is a term of a fallacious argument, whereby two or more propositions are asserted that cannot both possibly be true.
Hence, in this case, being described as voluble, verbose, long winded and loquacious is contradictory to being described as an individual who has never utter more than twelve words sentence before.
Therefore the argument is rather considered as Inconsistency
i think answer is three-quarters