Basically, Benedict's test identifies the existence of aldehydes and alpha-hydroxy-ketones, also by hemiacetal, as well as those that take place in specific ketoses. Therefore, it is an alpha-hydroxy-ketone even if the ketose fructose is not strictly a reducing sugar, and provides a positive test since it is transformed into the mannose and aldoses glucose by the base inside the reagent.
1974 - United States v. Nixon
This decision established that executive privilege is neither absolute nor unqualified.
Situation: President Richard Nixon's taped conversations from 1971 onward were the object of subpoenas by both the special prosecutor and those under indictment in the Watergate scandal. The president claimed immunity from subpoena under executive privilege.
The Court decided against Nixon 8-0.
Historical significance:
The president is not above the law. After the Court ruled on July 24, 1974, Richard Nixon resigned
Effective decision-making means comparing the additional
costs of alternatives with the marginal benefits.
To add, <span>a </span>marginal benefit<span> is the additional satisfaction or utility that a
person receives from consuming an additional unit of a good or service.</span> It
is also the topmost amount he is willing to pay to consume that additional
unit of a good or service.
you are 11-16 years old and love one direction
If a technological change results in the firm using more capital, the average fixed cost curve shifts upward and at low levels of output, the average total cost curve may shift upward. At large output levels, average total cost decreases.