Describe one exercise you did that helps improve your striking and your reaction time skills (at least one of your exercises mus
t qualify).
The exercises I did were walking and anaerobic workout routines (like sit ups, push ups, planks and stuff)
2 answers:
Throw a weighted ball at the wall and catch it
Push ups are good
Diamond push ups too
Planks and side planks
Sit ups
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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
The answer is D, embraces challenges.
- Take your meds
- Dont do drugs
- dont smoke
- dont eat high sugur foods
- Lol i spelled sugar wrong on the last one
- dont eat more then your body tells you to
- dont under eat
- stay healthy
- keep in contact with your doctor
- eat healthy stuff
A woman is in the first stage of childbirth. Which of these events may be occurring?
B. Intense contractions
General appearance,movement,eyes,nose and muzzle,hair/coat