Synthesis Reaction
It is a synthesis Reaction because it is taking little reactants and forming a big product!
because they need only one electron
1bonding and 3non-bonding
(Refer to the attachment for structure
Because lager objects have much more room for mass the smaller objects. take the earth as an example the earth is very big and has alot of mass in it which makes gravity that pulls us down when we jump up.
Decompostion reaction have the general chemical reaction of: AB = A + B while synthesis reactions are of the general equation A + B = AB. These reaction can be the reverse of each other because ones building a compound (synthesis) and ones breaking down a compound (decomposition). For example, when reacting carbon and oxygen for a synthesis reaction we have: C + O2 = CO2 and for a decomposition reaction we have: CO2 = C + O2. Thus, these two reactions are the reverse of each other.