The Matching Principle
The Matching Principle of accounting holds that revenues should be matched with expenses. Hence the name.
This is to say, that revenues should only be recognized when the associated expenses with those revenues have been spent.
For example, in numeral a), we can see that Norfolk Southern Corporation recieved cash in advance, but it only recognized revenue once it had performed the services associated with that cash collection.
productivity is calculated by using formula
formula = total output/ total input
the list of specific ways through which Mr. MB can establish the work environment which can motivate the employee in his gym are as follows;
Mr. MB can emphasize on the importance of creating effective work environment that motivate employees to work properly.
Mr. MB can develop strength program for employees.
Mr. MB can also introduce the proper sessions of new training technique and workout program for employees.
Education helps in the employee motivational and job enrichment in an effective way. It helps the employees by giving them opportunity to establish their skills. It also helps in enhancing their knowledge and progress through their position in the company. These knowledge and skills helps the employer gaining effective workforce. Education also provides some effective guideline that the employees or employer should follow.
Answer: a. It merely conducted some activity outside of Alaska and that activity took place through a website.
CalmDown can use the defence that all it did was to conduct an activity through it's website and this happened to be outside Alaska.
As such the company is still bound by the state that it is registered in which in this case would seem to be in Alaska. They are not to be bound by the laws of another jurisdiction from the one they are registered to if the activity was done on the internet.
Marcus should therefore try to bring action against them in Alaska if he can.
Martin Luther King Jr. believed that in order for an integration movement to be successful, it had to be:
- organized in a militant manner: members must be vigorously active supporting the cause
- the movement must have a mass character: must include everyone, not just some selected individuals
- the movement must reject (repudiate) violence
If a movement doesn't embrace peace, then it will generate conflict and violence. If the members are passive, there ideals will not be noticed. If the movement does not include everyone, then it will create more segregation.