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"Intruding" or "interfering" could work instead of "snooping" in this excerpt.
At the beginning of the story he felt confused and scared. He was trying to figure out if it was all a dream or if it was real. He asked his mother and found out it was not a dream. And when he found it it was true he thanked his mother.
Glossophobia or speech anxiety is the fear of public speaking or of speaking in general. The word glossophobia comes from the Greek glossa, meaning tongue, and phobos, fear or dread. Public speaking anxiety becomes a “disorder” when avoidance (phobia) occurs and when the mental and/or physical pain of the anxiety is substantial.
Almost everyone has heard that fear of public speaking is higher on the anxiety hierarchy than death for most people, but it’s hard to understand the reason for this.
Consider why: Carol was a homemaker and mother of two. She was an ovarian cancer survivor who once said “I’d rather be back in chemotherapy than speak in from of a group. With the cancer there was no judgment.”
Treatment with thousands of patients with public speaking anxiety at Berent Associates has demonstrated that the specific fear of judgment about being noticeably nervous is the singular most common cause that drives the fear. Examples of fear of being noticeably nervous include erythrophobia (fear of blushing), hyperhidrosis (sweating), voice stammering, and selective mutism.
The fear of being noticeably nervous is a big part of the untold story. One of the reasons this piece of the story is not well known is that many public anxiety sufferers are perfectionists. The last thing a perfectionist will do is admit they are not perfect. While the perfectionism is often a major positive variable for career success, it’s also been the energy that drives the anxiety. In “Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder as Etiology for Performance Anxiety,” Jonathan Berent describes how perfectionism drives performance and social anxiety.
I really hope this helps
This exercise is about "Developing Body Paragraphs". See the steps below on how to develop body paragraphs.
<h3>What are body paragraphs?</h3>
The body paragraphs make up the majority of the essay and collectively create the student's main argument.
The body paragraphs are all the paragraphs that appear between the introduction and conclusion.
It is important to note that body paragraphs are paragraphs containing points that buttress the claims made in the introduction of the text.
Each paragraph must hold approximately they same number of words and must each speak to a different point.
<h3>What is the
body paragraph for the chosen topic - "How to Write an Effective Argumentative Essay?"</h3>
1. Clearly explain the subject in a way that flows logically from the assignment's objective and goal.
2. To support your facts in the body of your essay, employ pertinent details and textual proof.
3. It also helps to make sure that each point has its own paragraph and that your paragraphs are around the same length.
4. Remember that the goal of an argumentative essay is to examine a topic and give opposing viewpoints in order to establish the validity of your claim or point of view.
Learn more about body paragraphs: