The organisation could potentially go into loss if the doctors demand higher pay since they’re required to do more work, which would cause the treatment of patients without health insurance to be costly, and since patients without health insurance won’t be able to attend, the organisation will likely go into loss, given there are no patients with health insurance. But then again, since HealthBegins is all about reaching out to those in need, it then would contradict HealthBegins’ theme about treating everyone with equity. Since not everyone will be able to receive treatment according to their needs
<em>The</em><em> </em><em>FDA</em><em> </em><em>onl</em><em>y</em><em> </em><em>inspects</em><em> </em><em>imported</em><em> </em><em>food</em>
I would personaly walk away or say no and not let them trick me into doing it.that's your answer for the first question .if you get into peer pressure to take drugs or drink and you have said no already I would go get a guardian or some one your with and tell them or if your stranded give them a piece of your mind .I choose this method because I been through peer pressure myself .so there is my best answer I can think of to answer your answer.
B. Ask for a ride home( from someone who hasn't been drinking)
D. Ask to stay the night
I. Call home(see if someone can pick you up)
K. Call a cab or uber