Reichstag was a place, not a belief.
Nationalism could be true of any country. It is the belief of in one's country whether that country is right or wrong. It is perhaps the second best answer.
Humanism is characterized by the belief in individual goodness. That is not exactly what the description wants.
The answer is volksgeist which is of a higher nature than just nationalism and it is a more general term. It means the spirit of a country as defined by the spirit of the country.
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An Electorial college is a body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president.
The national debt grew rapidly
The amendment was established after the senate was accused of high levels of corruption.
The 17th amendment gives a further definition on how senators are elected. Before the 17th amendment the senate was place for millionaires, individuals who acquire seats through bribing their way to the post. This is because the corrupt state legislatures were the political institutions responsible for senators’ election. The institutions were corrupt thus the notorious and incompetent individuals bought their way into senate. The 17th amendment solved this challenge where the senate of the United States was made to be composed of two Senators, the constitutional state and the other elected by the people.