Platypus is an Australian mammal that lives in deciduous forests. Platypus's bill is adapted in order to allow platypus to travell and find its way in the river without using vision. This adaptation is achieved through special receptors that sense touch and electricity. Platypus's feet are webbed, enabling them to swim fast and efficiently and move easily on muddy surfaces.
The Mohs scale measures D, a mineral's hardness.
E. It takes a picture of the brain according to oxygen levels. More oxygen in an area indicates more activity in that area.
Haemoglobin is diamagnetic when oxygenated but paramagnetic when deoxygenated. This distinction in magnetic characteristics leads to tiny variations in the blood MR signal. Since blood oxygenation differs, these variations can be used to identify brain activity depending on the concentrations of neural activity.
In general, there are three types of Cell division :
- Binary fission, a division process on which a cell is completely cloned, forming 2 exact same cells
- Mitosis , a division of a somatic cell of Eukaryotic organisms
- Meioses, a cell division that produces gametes
hope this helps