Human activites have greatly increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and nitrogen levels in the biosphere. Altered Altered biogeochemical cycle combined with climate change increase the vulnerability of biodiversity, food security, human health, and water quality to a changing climate.
The answer is; true
These microbes are usually adapted to their environment and this is why they are found in virtually all ecosystems. You will find bacteria even at the bottom of deep ocean beds deep and in geothermal vents, hypersaline water and very cold regions (such as polar regions). Fungi which vary widely in size from microscopically small to the largest organisms such as mushrooms are also found in virtually all environments on earth. They are nonetheless different species of these groups adapted to their environments.
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Answer: I don't know if you have any options, but some of her assignments would definitely be the creation of drugs. Since she is a medicinal chemist, it means that she has the necessary knowledge to make medicine, which can later be sold in a pharmacy.
Your pal papaguy
Thomas Malthus was economist who proposed that human populations grow faster than the resources they depend on which becomes limiting factor for them, causing the increase of populations but also increase of famine and diseases. As a consequence, the weakest members die. Darwin linked this with the “survival of the fittest" (naturals elections favors the best suited for reproduction and survival).
Georges Cuvier was anti-evolutionist and religious man, but he did have influence on Darwin theory of evolution (natural selection). He was against linear system of classification so, his believes that there is more than one lineage for species helped Darwin shaped his theory.
Charles Lyell geologists who believed that geologic processes that were at the beginning of time were the same ones that were happening at the current time (processes work the same way through time). He explained that slow changes built up over time, so Darwin linked that with the way that life on Earth changes. (small adaptations that accumulated over long periods of time change a species).
The formula for hydrate indicates the number of water molecules that are attached to each formula unit of the compound. Forexample, nickel (II) sulfate hexahydrate is a green/blue solid that has six water molecules included in the crystal foreach Ni2+and each SO42-ion.Many common minerals are
<h3>What is a hydrate ?</h3>
Any compound containing water in the form of H2O molecules, usually, but not always, with a definite content of water by weight.
- The best-known hydrates are crystalline solids that lose their fundamental structures upon removal of the bound water.
- Hydrates are formed when water and light end natural gases come into contact at certain temperature and pressure conditions
Learn more about Hydrates here: