The two examples of an emergencie would be
1 example: a person has a fall in their workplace when they are cleaning the bathroom, the right thing would be to have a safety and hygiene brigade and request the presence of one of the members to support first aid while arriving by ambulance or a doctor as required.
2 example: A person falls working at heights, trained personnel, whether a doctor, a member of the security and hygiene brigade, see if they have vital signs and request that an ambulance be called for an expert review and transfer if necessary to a hospital.
Michelangelo sculpt the mother figure in his Pieta as a young woman as it is an important work that balances the Renaissance ideals of classical beauty with naturalism.
Rays of sunlight and ripples in a pond after a stone is tossed in are examples of radial balance.
No i do not believe so sorry
The 1/2 egg can be measured out by whisking another egg and using only 1/2 of it, or by using 2 tablespoons.