Economic factors including especially the level of technology attained by a particular society and the economic relations into which men enter on the basis of that technology exert a decisive influence on the course of political, social, and intellectual evolution is known as economic interpretation.
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States argues that the structure of the Constitution of the United States was motivated primarily by the personal financial interests of the Founding Fathers; Beard contends that the authors of The Federalist Papers represented an interest group themselves.
Basically, Beard argued that the U.S. Constitution was adopted in order to protect the rights and interests of the wealthy, upper-class members of society. The 'Founding Fathers' were members of this upper-class group.
The change in breastplates and helmets contribute to decline of the Roman Empire by weakening the the military. It weaken them because the removal of it promote laziness and negligence of training and the such. It also removes the protection against ranged weapons which caused many casualties.
It's called a categorical grant, I hope this helped!!!!
In sociology, the term stereotype refers to a thought that is widely adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of behaving intended to represent the entire group of those individuals. In other words, it refers to thoughts about a certain group that do not necessarily represent said group.
In this example, Mr. Rogers thinks that teenagers are reckless, promiscuous and irresponsible delinquents. He is associating this qualities to the evidence that define all members of this group. Therefore, <u>he is having specific ideas or thoughts about the characteristics of teenagers without any real evidence, therefore, this thoughts do not represent said group</u> and this would be an example of using stereotypes.