Sample response: America is very different than it was over one-hundred fifty years ago when the Black Codes were passed in the South. Since then, there have been major legislative overhauls against discrimination and towards equal civil rights. A cursory look at the modern day United States illuminates many of the major differences. Many colleges have increased minority enrollments, interracial marriages are legal, and minorities have increased their presence and visibility in politics. Additionally, most overt racist policies, mostly relating to separate but equal facilities and opportunities, have been removed to allow minorities greater social and professional mobility.
Concentration camps were more along the lines of camps that were used to hold and secure people, usually civilians, that were unwanted or suspicious to the country holding them. Many people like to attune it to just Jewish people in Nazi Germany, but concentration camps have been used by the US against Native Americans and Japanese people, they were also used by the Japanese during world war II as well as the Russians.
A Death camp is exactly what it sounds like, usually used only to eliminate evidence, humans, or unneeded Prisoners of War, traitors, or civilians. Most death camps that were recorded in history came from Nazi Germany and Japan during WWII.
Germany didn't have much of a choice. They couldn't carry on fighting and the Powers were going the attack them if she didn't take responsibility even though they weren't the sole cause pf the war.
Mercantilism was all about being self sufficient while growing economically so that meant that they needed colonies for resource exploitation. In order to get them, the countries had to fight other countries who wanted them because they all knew that the colonies would help them become the strongest on the continent.