the answer is carbonic acid .
Genetically modified foods are resistant to insents and plant viruses - TRUE
Genetically modified foods are yet available to consumers at the grocery store -false
genetically modified foods have delayed fruit ripening for shell life during transportation -TRUE
Genetically modified foods have enhanced flavor and nutritional content -True
Gel electrophoresis is a method of genetic analysis which involves seperating segments of DNA based on their size and charge.
It involves cutting DNA with various enzymes, then placing the DNA in an agarose gel. An electrical current is then run through the gel. Because DNA is a polar molecule the DNA segments will travel through the agarose cell as the current is applied. Larger fragments will travel shorter distances than shorter fragments. Two plates with 2 different DNA samples will be conducted and the orientation of the DNA strands will be used to make an analysis by comparing the 2 plates.
All proteins are composed of amino acids. Each amino acid in a protein is linked by chemical bonds. Enzymes are composed of chains of amino acids. Enzymes are a type proteins that turn a cell into a highly developed miniature factory carrying out chemical reactions very fast.