The black death was one of the most devastating disease outbreak in the history of human race. The black death resulted in a lot of crises including religious, social and economic upheavals. Although the disease affected all the people in Europe, at a time the Jews were blamed for the ravages caused by the disease outbreak. The Jews were thought to be responsible for the disease, therefore, other people started killing the Jews who live in their communities and this lasted all through the time of the disease out break.
the second one "both were part of a larger effort..."
Some characteristic of developed countries are a good economic activity, generally organized government, and a country full of wealth.
F.D.R. has been renowned as having been one of our best Presidents, in part, due to his creation of many federal programs designed to help Americans survive the harshness of the great economic depression of the 1930s.
His slew of economic relief programs, later termed "alphabet soup," had many acronyms, hence the nickname. One if the most important of these, still in use today, is the S.S.A. or the social security administration. Social security is still in use today, and our individual SSNs have become a primary form of identification.