In order to find this you need to find a common denominator. 2/3 and 3/4 common denominator would be 12 and so what you do to the bottom you must do to the top. 2x4 is 8 and 3x3 is 9. that would make 8/12 and 9/12. 8 plus nine is 17 and 12 stays there so the answer is 17/12 which equals 1 and 5/10.
The first image is an Isosceles Triangle and Acute
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer: (5, 12)
Step-by-step explanation:
Just graph the linear equations and find where they intersect.
Algebraically, you can set them equal to each other
Plug x=5 to any equation
$15.69 is the answer
Subtract 2.50 from 49.57 and then divide your answer by 3