what did who imply? and what are you talking about?
A story presented as a play
What we're talking about here is literary adaptation.
Literary adaptation is the process of adapting a literary text, such as a novel or poem, to another genre or medium, for example, a film, show, video game, or stage play. That's why a story presented as a play is the correct example of adaptation.
Literary analysis is the process of examining all aspects of a literary work.
A movie review represents the analysis and evaluation of a movie.
In the slave societies of the Americas, a quadroon or quarteron was a person with one quarter African and three quarters European ancestry (or in Australia, one quarter aboriginal ancestry).
without care or finesse, often hurriedly or awkwardly. Synonyms: awkwardly, bunglingly, sloppily, carelessly, gawkily, stumblingly.
They believe they should quickly kill the meat