<span>What is most important in preserving mental and emotional health is that you're not exposed to negativity and stress. Stress is one of the biggest problems in the modern era and too much of it can also cause physical problems, not only psychological. Keeping your mental and emotional health is of extreme importance, especially since not everything can always be perfect.</span><span />
Here I have some benefits for exercising! I don't really have time to write a letter, but if I give you the benefits, you can turn it into a letter using your own twist to it!:)
1.) Exercise controls weight
2.) Exercise combats health conditions and diseases.
3.) Exercise improves mood. *(you might not want to use this one because it might offend her:) )*
4.) Exercise boosts energy.
5.) All in all, it just makes you look really young, youthful, and healthy!:)
I hope you and your grandmother have an amazing week!:)
True its important to know every step as if you don't you can get injured.<span />