1. get the absolute path to the file
2. load the file as a table (dataframe in python)
3. to insert a row;
- create a dataframe of the same field type
- concatenate the new dataframe horizontally with the same dataframe
4. to delete a row, select and drop the row where the 'Number' field matches a value.
5. to update the values in row, use the number field as a key to replace the existing values.
6. print of save to a variable the rows where the number field matches a given value.
Follow the report template to create a report for the algorithm.
The algorithm gets the absolute path to the file and loads the file as a tabular file from there the data can be queried without accessing the main file. The insert algorithm creates a new dataframe and appends it to the main dataframe.
The delete, update and retrieve all use the same subalgorithm, getting the rows with the number field as the key value.