1. A caelifera, or more commonly known as the grasshopper belongs in the animal kingdom. Grasshoppers are a leafy green and can be found in a variety of habitats. They can be found in lowland tropical forests or grasslands. Higher classification for the grasshopper would be Orthoptera. Grasshoppers are jumping insects that belong to the arthropod phylum.
Strong, long hind legs that help them jump. This adaptation helps them get away from harm and jump higher.
3. I said some in the first paragraph.
4. Important in grassland ecosystems and play a role in the nutrient cycling.
5. I don’t think there really is anything else.
The water which is released back to the lake contains thermal energy ie heat energy from cooled engines therefore bringing thermal pollution
Due to the increasing weather patterns, weather will become unpredictable and temperatures will rise which makes growing conditions worse