When the population of the zebra decreases, the food for the lions decrease. So, the death rate of the lions would increase. It's all a balance.
"A" 'The death rate of lions increases.' would be the correct answer.
I hope this helps!
Over population
With the coyotes gone, they're prey will have little to no predators. Without their numbers decreasing as quickly (because of the coyote population drop) they will be able to repopulate quicker and less of them will die. This will lead to over population.
It protects the Earth from becoming over heated, but with pollution, global warming has become more apparent because of the destruction of the ozone layer
Testosterone is a steroid. Its physiological functions are:
Determines the the gender of a developing embryo
Development of reproductive organs and the prostrate gland in males
Responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in males such as deeper pitch, increased muscle bulk, hair on the upper lip
Regulates normal sperm development
Another is cholesterol. Physiological functions are:
Helps maintain the structure of cells and vessels improving overall health and function in the body.
Percursor to important sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.
Used as an insulator around nerves and is absolutely essential for brain function.
Precursor to Vitamin D, which supports a healthy immune and nervous system