The mita system was a system established by the Inca Empire in order to construct buildings
Psychology is the science that is concerned with studying human subjectivity. It acts both on visible human expressions (behaviors) and on those that cannot be seen, such as our thoughts.
In the middle of the <u>19th century</u> there was the scientific development of psychology, which united the philosophies of the mind with the studies of physiology. In the 18th century there were already studies of the mind, but without the method and rigor with which it was studied in the 19th century.
Before this period, at the beginning of the 13th century, Christian Wolff was the first to use the name psychology to refer to the study of the mind. His method divided psychology in two, which are: empirical psychology and rational psychology. The data of the mind that resulted from the observation of oneself and other people was called empirical psychology and rational psychology interpreted the data obtained in empirical psychology through the use of reason and logic.
As with many areas of knowledge, Psychology presents different study approaches. As an example of schools of Psychology, we have Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis.
2. Our nervous system is divided into a <u>central nervous system</u>, consisting of the brain and spinal cord and the <u>peripheral nervous system</u> (cranial and spinal nerves). The brain is formed by the brain, cerebellum, bulb, important elements in the nervous constitution of our organism. The central nervous system commands several functions in our body, being essential for its proper functioning.
The correct answer is a. Julian Rotter.
Rotter uses the empirical law of effect that states that people are motivated to seek positive stimulation, or reinforcement, and to avoid unpleasant stimulation. Rotter main ideas in social learning theory is that personality represents an interaction of the individuals with their environment, it cannot be conceived individual personality internal independent of the environment. For Rotter personality and thus behavior is changeable, to the theory of rotter in any given situation, there are multiple behaviors a person can engage in. For each possible situation, there is a behavior potential so personality is a relatively set off potential responses to various situations