A. Most of the area is a desert
The most common constitutional violations went unchallenged bc the people whose rights were most often denied were precisely those members of society who were least aware of their rights and least able to afford a lawyer. They had no access to those impenetrable bulwarks of liberty
hope this helps :)
The correct answer is - A. Cecil Rhodes and Leopold II traveled into the interior, showing other European leaders that such journeys were advantageous.
Rhodes and Leopold II in a way opened the gates for the European leaders to have the desire and go to the interior of the African continent. It was not just because of the possibility to do so because the African tribes were by far disadvantaged technologically and military compared to the Europeans, but it was the treasures that the continent was offering and how easy was it to get to them and use them for trade and become wealthy. That lead to a major colonization of the continent by the European colonial powers, and they took full advantage of the natural resources Africa had to offer.
The Federal Government consists of three different branches:
-On the one hand, the executive branch is in charge of the administration of the country's resources and the application of the laws passed by Congress. This branch consists of the President, the Vice President and the Executive Cabinet. The executive branch controls the legislative branch through the veto power of the President, who can determine that a law sanctioned by the Congress does not become valid; and the judicial power through the proposal of who are the candidates to become judges of the Supreme Court.
-The legislative power consists of the Congress and its function is to enact the laws that will govern life in society in the nation. It is also in charge of controlling the executive power through the approval of certain acts of the President by the Senate, and in turn the judicial power in conjunction with the executive branch through the holding of political impeachments to certain officials.
-The judiciary consists of the Supreme Court of the United States and lower courts at the Federal level, and its function is to interpret the Constitution of the United States and the other laws of the nation and to sanction those who fail to comply with said regulations. Through the interpretation of the Constitution, the Supreme Court exercises a constitutional control of the acts of both the President and the Congress.