5 sna makatulong kahit hula lng:)
1) It promotes International peace and security through disarmament.
The EU is a political and economic union of 28 countries, which developed an internal single market through a standardised system of laws. Politically, these 28 countries are linked by the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the European Council (the last two have similar names, but they have different functionalities). Economically, by the ECB - the European Central Bank. Monetarily, by the Eurozone and the currency EURO, which is present in 19/28 countries. Also, there's a Schengen area, where passports are abolished and you can travel freely, BUT not all the countries that are in the EU, are in Schengen area (ex. Romania, Bulgaria); and vice-versa: Norway is not in the EU, but is part of the Schengen area.
I hope I helped, I used to have a "map" of interactions of all these countries in different unions/institutions, but cannot find it. If you need one to help you understand the EU better, tell me and I'll intensively look for it!
Update: here's the map.
Natural resources tend to heavily correlated with the history technological development and conflicts in the community.
Natural resources is necessary for a people to develop their infrastructures and generate wealth. The more wealth a community able to accumulate, the more likely that community will invest in the development of science /technology that might help them in the future.
But, it's also provide one downside. Existence of natural reserouces tend to attract the attention of other communities who wanted to take ownerships over that resources. As a result, it has the likelihood of causing conflict throughout the communities' history.
Food and supplies, trade, equality, economy, army, weapons,education and navy.
Explanation: You need food, trade and supplies to sustain your people. Incase of invasions, you need an army and strategy in order to either conquer or defend against the enemy. Trade is what gives you those supplies, and it's also how your people have an stable economy. Certain weapons and strategy determine your army's strength, and to go with that, you'll need a navy to defend sea routes from pirates. (Airplanes aren't a factor in this situation since we're talking about the Ottoman empire.) Equality is one many don't mention. The Ottoman empire is very diverse. So treat people the same you'd want to be treated. Everyone's equal, so no civil revolts. Everyone under this government is a citizen. They won't turn back and betray you because of a solid foundation of trust. Your soldiers will be loyal, and your people loving. In my opinion, aside from food and water, that's one of the most important parts. Another one is education. With everyone educated, they have more potential. They can innovate and add to the empire's centuries of success. With more advancements on the way, we can be modernized and discover more. Take Genghis Khan for example. Sure he was a war-mongering Mongolian, but his reign lasted so long because of how organized his government was. He had scholars spread their wisdom, religious freedom, rights for women, a strong army, flourishing trade along the silk road, and patience. He negotiated peace and shared ideas with others. His empire flourished until it later collapsed under the weak rule of his descendants. If we do the same, we could be better.