Answer: I would vote and protest for everybody to get a higher wage especially if they work with fast food. because the most they get is $9 a hour. while some other people with better jobs get $15. We need to make an improvement so that it can be fair instead of being unfair.
Utilitarianism is a moral and political philosophy which is focused on determing whether something is right or wrong depending on the outcome. The essential thinking is that the most moral choice is one which brings the greatest good for most of the people.
In this case, actions, including lying, are morally acceptable when the bring consequences which are for benefit the most or minimize the harm for most people. Therefore, lying is not always immoral. On the other side, if lies bring greatest good or minimize the harm, sometimes it can be immoral not to lie.
I think many Israelis oppose giving up settlements and occupied lands in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip because, settlements make what Israelis and Palestinians call "new realities on the ground." Palestinian people group are part separated and their association with the land debilitated, while Jewish people group put down roots in an area implied for Palestinians. As a result, it obscures or obliges the limits of any future Palestinian state. For certain pilgrims, this is the point: they need the West Bank a completely fused as Israeli area and are attempting to get that going.
This is what I put and got it correct lol.. copy+paste It went through a paraphrasing tool sooooo.