Answer: Eric's dad is using <u>authoritative parenting style.</u>
Parents who opt for authoritative parenting style have high standards, but also take child's emotional needs into consideration. Those parents define clear boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not, but maintain a healthy relationship with their children. Most importantly, they do not just expect blind obedience from their children, but explain the reasons behind their decisions. In this case, Eric's dad interrupts Eric in his game, but reasons with his son and explains why he is not allowed to continue playing.
Thank you for posting your question here. It can be considered to be consistent with the given facts. As you know, an hypothesis, much less a theory, is never proven. It can be shown to be consistent with given observations. As new observations are collected, the given hypothesis may have to be modified.
If the celery became crisp when it was soaked in ice water, then clearly that the water has rehydrated the celery is a reasonable hypothesis. But did it have to be ice cold water? Would room temperature water work? What about boiling water?
And thus most of the time, the success of an hypothesis leads to the design of new experiments to test and expand the original hypothesis.
Answer: The answer is c. for plato users.
The biggest difference between the State Department and the Defense Department is that "the State Department deals with diplomacy, and the Defense Department manages the military," because these two tasks are different but sometimes intertwined in the sense that combat results from a diplomatic failure.
The word wampum means white shell in the Algonquian language family spoken by the Narragansett people of Rhode Island and the Wampanoag people of Massachusetts. Wampum belts are made of white and purple beads, the white beads from the whelk shell, and the purple from the quahog shell.
Hope it helps.