Personally I think Reagan did do the right thing by firing the striking workers.
President Reagan was just that, a president, as a president he has an image to uphold and that is one of a fair and lawful official. Although it is unfortunate that the air traffic controllers disagreed with the hours and obligations of their work, they are the ones that chose the job and agreed to those hours. The president was correct in calling the strike a "peril to national safety" as they're some of the only people in the US who can manage 1000's of flights of days and with their absence from work, flights carrying hundreds of passengers did not have the directive they needed to stay safe. Also, federal employees were prohibited by law from striking so of course there is going to be repercussions when they break said law.
Bodies of water improve the quality of life. Organisms need water sources in order to live, and humans also use water to grow crops and nourish livestock and other animals. Water is also a mode of transportation for people, animals, and goods. Many organisms live near water sources in order to have it readily available.
The answer is positional inequality.
The answer is oral culture or oral tradition. It is a type of human communication where in facts,
art, thoughts and cultural material is established,
preserved and conveyed orally from one
generation to another. The spread is through speech or song and may consist of ballads,
folktales, chants, verses or prose.