The second one I think .............
Breathing is a process to move air in and out of a system. In addition, this process may also result to loss of water. This insensible loss is from the evaporative loss from the respiratory tract. This accounts for 10% to 20% of the water.
Mendel's work was not well known until many years after Darwin published his theory of evolution
-Mendel's work was ignored because it was not widely distributed, and he didn't make an effort to promote himself. In actual fact, the reasons are more complex.
-Gregor Mendel had the answer to Darwin's problem. Traits were not blended, but inherited whole. And according to Mendel's laws of inheritance, a trait that might disappear in one generation might reappear in the following generation. Modern Neo-Darwinism combines both Darwin's and Mendel's work.
Because its decayed organisms. So all the nutrients from that decayed organism goes into the soil and makes it rich with nutrients.