The spine is the indicator of stature
<span>Active and passive transport help to maintain homeostasis because they transport fluid/water/materials across the plasma lemma (cell membrane). All of these materials need to exist in certain ratios for the cell to function properly. </span>
<span>The structure of the feet and legs varies greatly among frog species, depending in part on whether they live primarily on the ground, in water, in trees or in burrows. Frogs must be able to move quickly through their environment to catch prey and escape predators, and numerous adaptations help them to do so. Most frogs are either proficient at jumping or are descended from ancestors that were, with much of the musculoskeletal morphology modified for this purpose. The tibia, fibula, and tarsals have been fused into a single, strong bone, as have the radius and ulna in the fore limbs (which must absorb the impact on landing). The metatarsals have become elongated to add to the leg length and allow the frog to push against the ground for a longer period on take-off. The illium has elongated and formed a mobile joint with the sacrum which, in specialist jumpers such as ranids and hylids, functions as an additional limb joint to further power the leaps. The tail vertebrae have fused into a urostyle which is retracted inside the pelvis. This enables the force to be transferred from the legs to the body during a leap </span>
<span>The muscular system has been similarly modified. The hind limbs of ancestral frogs presumably contained pairs of muscles which would act in opposition (one muscle to flex the knee, a different muscle to extend it), as is seen in most other limbed animals. However, in modern frogs, almost all muscles have been modified to contribute to the action of jumping, with only a few small muscles remaining to bring the limb back to the starting position and maintain posture. The muscles have also been greatly enlarged, with the main leg muscles accounting for over 17% of the total mass of the frog.</span>
Direct observation of evolutionary change: creation of drug-resistant bacteria.
Fossil record: discovery of transitional forms of animals, discovery of shells of extinct organisms
Homology: similarities in mammalian forelimbs, identical genetic code in fireflies and tobacco plants, vestigial pelvis in right whales
Biogeography: resemblance of endangered island species to neighboring mainland species,
Hurricanes will become more frequent and expand to new areas.
Global warming will rise sea temperatures worldwide. This means conditions for hurricanes will be met more often (they only form in higher than average sea temperatures). That means more hurricanes will form in the future. Also because of rising sea temperatures new areas will be effected by hurricanes as they will meet the threshold required for hurricanes to form.