Tunica media; contains connective tissue that provides structural support
These minerals are quartz, feldspar, mica, and usually hornblende. Granite forms as magma cools far under the earth's surface. Because it hardens deep underground it cools very slowly. This allows crystals of the four minerals to grow large enou
There are five basic Hardy-Weinberg assumptions:
1. Random Mating -
2. No natural selection - all members of the parental generation survived and contributed equal numbers of gametes to the gene pool, no matter the genotype
3. No genetic drift (random allele frequency changes) - the population is infinitely large.
4. No gene flow - no new alleles were added by immigration or lost through emigration (no migration)
5. No mutation - There must be mutation equilibrium.
The time of the revival of learning is such as the Bible, art, and true science is called the "Renaissance." You forgot to include the Bible in your quesiton.
Answer: Renaissance
sad!; live