The kind of actions associated with 'civic engagement, are: volunteering for a cause. Examples; soup kitchen, food pantry, humane society..
Debate is unlimited in the Senate and all members have opportunity to influence legislation.
The rules for the debate in house are Question of privilege, Withdrawal of motion, Bill. Party leaders and committees function differently in the house and Senate.
The House Of Representatives elects a speaker who has great control. The four powers and procedures of the senates are impeachment, expulsion, censure, contested senate elections. The senates refers to record votes as "rollcall votes" in the house.
B. Espionage.
Explanation: Espionage is thought as a political crime because it represents a challenge against A government, As espionage is the use of spies to obtain Government Information and sometimes Military Information, If the espionage is successful, it can become a large problem for any government because it can give away information that can not and should not be put in foreign/enemy hands or a political oppenents hands.