La Niña follows after an El Niño. Its sea surface temperature will be lower than the natural one by 3-5 degree Celcius which tells us that it is cooler than the average temperature. It is the positive state of the El Niño. It really disturbs the natural weather patterns which could result to extreme storms.
Through leaching. B horizons or subsoil get materials from above through accumulated rain water that leached these materials and precipitated it into the B horizon.
DNA microarrays allow scientists to determine the genotype of a chunk of our genome and also measure the how the genes in that chunk are expressed. Using this technique has been essential in isolating genes that predispose people to cancers, and therefore allowing physicians to preemptively identify and monitor at-risk individuals. For instance, the genes BRCA1, BRCA2, and PALB2 have all been identified (using DNA microarrays) and linked to breast cancer. Knowing this allows individuals to seek out testing and take appropriate measures to prevent cancer/monitor the possible onset of cancer, which has proven to be life-saving.
Answer: A. The enteric nervous system will slow down digestion to conserve energy.