I think it is true
If I am right tell me
The general name for the person with this social role in South American indigenous cultures is a shaman.
Shamanism is the name for the set of beliefs that is common among South American indigenous cultures. A shaman is a figure in the community who can speak with spirits and other supernatural forces in the environment. They often use substances like ayahuascar in the jungle regions or perform rites like the pachamama ceremony in Andean cultures. These are practices that are found locally as a part of their rites of purification and purging and appeasing transcendental energies.
A government controlled by a small group of people is called a oligarchy. Oligarchy is defined as "a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people might be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, religious or military control."
Expansionists during the westward expansion. Something about manifest destiny.