Vegetables are considered among the most nutritious food available because they have a large amount of minerals and vitamins in them.They do not have fat in them which makes is more nutritious.Besides this every part of vegetable can be utilized whether it is in the form of stem,root,leaves,seed all have some amount of nutrition in them.The nutrition present in vegetables can be derived in multiple ways ,they can be eaten raw or can be cooked.Vegetables are very rich source of vitamins and minerals. They are very rich in anti-oxidants ,which protects the body from cancer.They are also a rich source of iron,phosphorous,multivitamin,etc.
The microbial mats include mainly bacteria and archaea. They are multi-layered sheet of microorganisms. Biofilm on the other hand includes many <span>species of bacteria, as well as fungi, algae, protozoa, debris, and corrosion products. </span><span>
Microbial mats differ from biofilms in that they </span>are currently found only in extreme habitats.
Malate (a citric acid cycle intermediate) can be used as a source of carbon for Rhodobacter by using the ATP formed from cyclic photophosphorylation for growth (no need to reduce C02 to cell materiatis). It also accelerate growth rates of the organism and the Rhodobacter can be said to grow PHOTOHETEROTROPHICALLY.
In the absence of Malate, it uses CO2 and H2 for growth, thereby growing PHOTOAUTOTROPHICALLY. Unlike when malate is used, ATP is used for CO2 fixation, which slows the organism cellular growth rate.