It can help determine the components materials of a composite
Recycling is the reuse of a product to make it new again into another product
Lead emission since early 1980s have DECREASE DUE TO LEAD FREE GASOLINE.
Lead is a natural occurring element that is found in small quantity in rocks and soils. Lead emission is an important environmental health issue because a very small quantity of lead can cause adverse effects on the nervous system of unborn babies and young children. Because of this, the government took all necessary measures to ensure that its emission was drastically reduced.
Cold front brings a sudden drop in temperature sometimes with hail , thunder , and lightning . Warm fronts bring gentle rain or light snow , followed by warmer , milder weather . Stationary front brings a cold and warm air together and neither air mass has the force to moved the other . Occluded front brings a warm air mass that gets caught between two cold air masses .