The rationale for conducting active policy is the interest of Congress to alter the state of the economy through a deliberate change in established policies.
But in the case of Passive policy, the government permits the status quo.
Active policy relies on the government to enforce it while passive policy does not need the government's interference to work in stabilizing the economy.
The following statements applies passive policy because the economy is expected to stabilize on it's own without the deliberate act of congress influencing it:
- Economic circumstances can change dramatically between the time that an economic downturn begins and the time when policy actions have an effect on the economy.
- Fluctuations in economic output have been less severe since World War II.
The following statements is a rationale for conducting active policy since the government's intervention is required:
- Economists are not very accurate forecasters.
- Increases in government spending generate increases in economic output.
Disruptive technology, new business ventures, and increased availability of data are quickly changing traditional financial reporting and assurance processes. As a result, prospective auditors not only need to understand fundamental auditing concepts, but also need to anticipate the influence that disruptive technology will have on the profession. The following case study provides a lens through which prospective auditors can view the coming changes to the profession by asking them to consider how the online lending company, Kabbage, is currently disrupting the lending industry for non-traditional and small businesses. Students contemplate several fundamental auditing concepts such as audit evidence, financial statement assertions, and analytical procedures while also acquiring insight into the effects that new and disruptive technology will have on the profession. The intention is to encourage students to embrace coming changes and become lifetime learners.