It is the area where the two chromatids of a chromosome attach to each other
Hibernation is a way animals conserve energy to survive adverse weather conditions or lack of food. It involves physiological changes such as a drop in body temperature and slowed metabolism. Research into the processes involved in hibernation could result in medical benefits for people
b. carbon dioxide
This metabolic pathway is called the Krebs cycle after the scientist who first discovered it in 1937. The Krebs cycle is further broken down by pyruvic acid, obtained in the glycolysis process. The process proceeds in two stages. The first is the degree of decomposition of the bicarbonate residue.
The Krebs cycle is the main metabolic pathway for the breakdown of organic matter and the production of energy in the form of reduced coenzymes, which will then be incorporated into ATP.
The cleanliness of a ecosystem or how healthy it is. It determines how clean an environment/ecosystem is. You need all types of animals living there, therefore making it more healthy. The more healthy, the more we can say that it is biodiverse.