A medida que se desarrollan más técnicas en Biología Celular, conocemos más acerca de los grandes misterios y secretos que encierran las células. Conocer las células vegetales y animales es muy importante para entender el funcionamiento de los seres vivos, entender las enfermedades que sufren, desarrollar técnicas terapéuticas contra estas enfermedades u obtener productos de interés comercial.
En este artículo de Ecología Verde te las explicamos de forma fácil y con esquemas y tablas que ayudan a entenderlo mejor ya estudiar.
Thassos White is a white dolomite marble. It has a crystalline base and is recognized worldwide for being one of the whitest marbles around the world. Its name is inspired by the Greek island of Thassos, a paradise famous for its white houses and sands.
First we have to know what an "internal stimulus" is. An "internal stimulus" is something INSIDE of us, that makes us want to do something. Hunger is an example of an internal stimulus. It comes from within us. And it makes us want to eat. So, since hunger is the stimulus, an appropriate response would be to eat some food. Does that make sense?
A. puberty because thats when u start to grow into teenage n an early stage of adult hood