Using cross multiplication:
220% of the goal. This is because 500 cans would be 200% but since it’s 550, the extra 50% would equal to 220%.
Answer: 0.38065
in simpler terms x=± 0.145 =±0.38065
Step-by-step explanation: -490x2+71 = 0
Subtract 71 from both sides of the equation :
-490x2 = -71
Multiply both sides of the equation by (-1) : 490x2 = 71
Divide both sides of the equation by 490:
x2 = 71/490 = 0.145
When two things are equal, their square roots are equal. Taking the square root of the two sides of the equation we get:
x = ± √ 71/490
The equation has two real solutions
These solutions are x = ±√ 0.145 = ± 0.38065
A. 4:5. Every time he gets 4 apples (the number that comes first) 5 oranges follow