1. Prodigal son- all sinners.
2. Young Goodman Brown- youth and innocence.
3. Boaz- Christ.
4. Grace- inner beauty.
5. The robe, ring, and sandals given to the prodigal son- forgiveness.
All of the above terms and meanings have a religious symbol in regards to Christianity and the Christian belief.
1. The story of the return of the prodigal son in the Gospel of Luke 15 verses 11-31 tells the return of the son who left his father's home to enjoy. Though he had sinned against the very love and grace of his father, he was still openly and joyously accepted back. This is a parable comparing all sinners of the world to the lost son. We may have gone far away from God, looking for earthly enjoyment and happiness but if we come back with a repentant heart, our God is always ready to welcome us back in his arms.
2. The story of "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne tells the story of a young man Brown who went to be tempted by all the numerous characteristics of the world. He embodies the youth and innocence of a believer who has to overcome all sorts of temptation from the devil.
3. Boaz is the new husband of Ruth, a widow who went to glean grain from his fields. he later came to be the great-grandfather of King David, the ancestor of Jesus Christ. He is the Christ-like figure, the figure of redemption and saving grace. he not only allowed Ruth to peacefully gather grain for free, he also provided her a safe place and even food and drinks. He became the redeemer of Naomi's family and eventually became the great ancestor of Christ who will eventually become the redeemer of the whole world.
4. The quality or human value of grace has always been depicted as inner beauty, the decider of one's beauty. Grace saves the whole humanity from being eternally dam ned, grace is what gave us a new life. The grace of God is our pass for the eternal life.
5. When the prodigal son returned back to his father's place, he was welcomed with a huge celebration. He was given a new robe,a ring and sandals to wear, with everything changed in him as if he's been given a new life or identity. This is exactly what Christ was preaching when he talked about forgiveness. The giving of these new things signify the forgiveness of God, how we will be welcomed with new clothes and a new personality.