It’s referred to as an embryo, then after two months, it can be called a fetus or foetus
*technically, until after two months of the ongoing development*
Who Qualifies for D-SNPs? Dual-eligibles, individuals of any age who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, qualify for D-SNPs. To be eligible for Medicare, individuals must be 65 years old or older or have a qualifying disability.
The correct answer is A; Diet and insulin needs change during pregnancy.
When a woman is expecting a baby her body goes through many changes. Some women may develop pregestational diabetes for the entire pregnancy. This can be monitored by the doctors and should go away after she gives birth.
The mother will need to change her diet and the ways she eats. She may also have to take insulin. There may be medication such as metformin given to the mother, each situation is different.
Some things a woman who has pregestational diabetes should avoid is;
- sugary drinks
- carbs
- starchy vegetables
Learn more about pregestational diabetes at
Body mass index - ratio of weight to height