Black holes can indeed move through space. ... Astronomers know about the rapid motion of this black hole because it has a nearby companion star that's slowly being pulled apart by the gravity of the black hole.
The capture of Constantinople was important for the turkish because the city was very fortified and it provided an opportunity for the sultan Mehmed to test his military skills against one of the most powerful empires around in his time.
Have a great day :)
Whenever the legislators [lawmakers] try to take away, and destroy the property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People, who are then no longer required to give their obedience. ... People may give the government more power.
South Asia, Australia, Europe, the Americas.
The State Department drafts foreign policy, and the Department of Defense implements foreign policy. ... The State Department deals with diplomacy, and the Department of Defense oversees the military. The State Department controls the military, and the Department of Defense is civilian based.29 Oct 2015