Individual and group counseling;
support groups for students and parents;
crisis prevention and intervention;
home visits;
social-developmental assessments;
parent education and training;
professional case management;
information and referral;
Doctor care. A doctor may visit a patient at home to diagnose and treat the illness(es). ...
Nursing care. ...
Physical, occupational, and/or speech therapy. ...
Medical social services. ...
Care from home health aides. ...
Homemaker or basic assistance care. ...
Companionship. ...
Volunteer care.
School health programs are said to be one of the most efficient strategies that a nation might use to prevent major health and social problems. ... Good health facilitates children's growth, development, and optimal learning, while education contributes to children's knowledge about being healthy.
The healthcare system offers four broad types of services: health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and rehabilitation. Health promotion services help clients reduce the risk of illness, maintain optimal function, and follow healthy lifestyles.
1- room for children’s sick
2- doctor available at all hours
3- needed medicine or treatment
2-school hours
3-bad feeling
1-Parent education
2-Social development
3-Pro management
Hope this helps
halal is Islamic
Jewish is eat eat small amounts of dairy products between 6 hours
and I'm not sure about the other 2 but I think Chinese is follow a balanced diet rich in grains legumes and vegetables small amounts of yogurt and cheese
Yes it does help with Radiation exposure
you should not have sex or share sexual contentent until or unless you are dating or married
Purging by self-induced vomiting can cause a few noticeable effects in the face and mouth, including: Tooth decay: Strong stomach acids may break down the gums and tooth enamel over time, which could lead to tooth sensitivity and cavities. Raspy voice: The stomach acid in vomit may damage the vocal cords.