pic 1 red giant, a star whose outer shell has expanded and cooled
pic 2: supernova, a shock wave produced by extremely high temperatures
pic 3: black hole, a high mass star that has collapsed from gravity
pic 4: white dwarf, a low mass star that has shed its outer layers
Cytokinesis is the process by which the cytoplasm splits, forming two daughter cells from one parental cell. It occurs towards the end of mitosis, after the DNA has been replicated. The process of mitosis generates a cell with two nuclei, and cytokinesis ensures that each daughter cell receives one nucleus.
Without the process of cytokinesis, the physical process of the production of two cells from one parental cell would not occur, so the cell would not divide into two daughter cells.
If the web happened to look like this one I attached then the anwser would be shrubs. If you take a look at the arrows the shrubs energy is moving to rats, insects and lizards which in turn feeds the coyotes. The starting point is shrubs and in general most food webs start with plants.
The half-life of Virtualium is 12