Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) was a French anthropologist, sociologist, and social scientist. According to him, social change normally takes place gradually, slowly. He observed that, when social change happens rapidly, it causes strain and breakdown. That leads to an increase in anomie, which is a sense of futility due to the sensation that social norms are weak, absent, or even conflicting.
Freeborn women in ancient Rome were citizens (cives), but could not vote or hold political. In the earliest periods of Roman history, Manus Marriage meant that a or divorcée with assets in these areas faced few obstacles to remarrying.
After you show them a few photoshopped images of them in a sleeping bag and in the forest,
which* and pardon but your question is not an actual question and has no answer to it. have a great day <3
At age 7, Jenny's thinking became less intuitive and egocentric and more logical. jenny's cognitive ability reflects c<span>oncrete operational thought.
</span> These thoughts appear in the concrete operational stage of <span> Piaget's theory of cognitive development</span><span>, which occurs between the ages of 7 and 11.
</span><span>At this stage children gain the abilities of conservation (number, area, volume, orientation) and reversibility.</span>