Primary sources help us learn about people in the past because you are learning about events that occurred from people that were there to actually witness it. You get first-hand information passed to you whether it's via your grandparents, a journal, or a letter. From primary sources you can also learn about the ways people lives were. You are informed about their culture, religion, foods, and clothing. Differing from secondary sources, you are not reading or listening to information about the past, or even present, that is biased and has edited or opinionated information included.
The abbasid dynasty tried to make an empire founded on the equal
opportunity of all Muslims. The new rulers stopped the large military subjugations,
finishing the supremacy of the Arab military class. Under the early
Abbasids, the domain of the caliphs touched its utmost prosperity and control
and the Muslim civilization succeeded. Under the Abbasids, Islam turn out
to be a more varied religious because discernment against non-Arab Muslims finished.
The Abbasids also stimulated the capital from Damascus to Baghdad.
This transfer into Persian land permitted Persian administrators to hold significant
offices in the caliph's government.
Answer Choice B
It has to be answer choice B because Spain was selling and getting back the Louisiana Territory it would hurt them or did hurt them financially and land wise too or in other words how much land they owned. Because of this happening, it contributed to the Adams-Onis Treaty.
(I'm sorry if it's wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's right)
A.D = Anno Domini Latin for "year of our lord"
B.C.E = Before the Common Era
C.E = Common Era this is a synonym for A.D
I remember learning B.C and B.C.E mean the same although B.C.E is used more in Science to show respect spiritually. If a person is refering to Science they will most likely say B.C.E instead of B.C
...hope this helps.