The answer is "except IOError:"
It is part of the exception handling, that stands for input/ output operation fails, this exception aeries when we attempting to access an anti-existent file, in the program so, it will give the program related errors.
- This type of error is handled in the try block, it also allows you to prepare the deal with the exceptional block.
- It also helps you to hide the bugs by using code, if you handle an unexpected error.
def feet_to_inches( feet ):
inches = feet * 12
print(inches, "inches")
The code is written in python. The unit for conversion base on your question is that 1 ft = 12 inches. Therefore,
def feet_to_inches( feet ):
This code we define a function and pass the argument as feet which is the length in ft that is required when we call the function.
inches = feet * 12
Here the length in ft is been converted to inches by multiplying by 12.
print(inches, "inches")
Here we print the value in inches .
Here we call the function and pass the argument in feet to be converted
text effects, and typography.
I am not sure what you mean by that but a boolean is either true or false. So it is kind of like a true or false question. 4+4=7 is false. 2*4!=48 is true.