The advantage of the simulated link strategy are:
- It is easily able to provide the practical feedback to the customers and users while designing the whole system. It also determine the efficiency and the correctness of the design in the stimulated link strategy.
- In the stimulated link strategy, the sharing and delivering of the data and information is done efficiently without any occurrence of error and interrupt. It is also high flexible technique.
The disadvantage of the simulated link strategy are:
- The simulated link strategy is flexible but it is not standardization and also it required more good concept.
- This technique is expensive and it is not readily available as it always require validation process.
It is identified by its address number.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Digits
int num;
int read() //method to read num from user
cout<<"Enter number(>0)\n";
return num;
int digit_count(int num) //method to count number of digits of num
int count=0;
while(num>0) //loop till num>0
count++; //counter which counts number of digits
return count;
int countDigits(int num) //method to return remainder
int c=digit_count(num); //calls method inside method
return num%c;
int main()
Digits d; //object of class Digits is created
int; //num is read from user
cout<<"\nRemainder is : "<<d.countDigits(number); //used to find remainder
return 0;
Output :
Enter number(>0)
Remainder is : 1
As program is missing to find errors , a logically write program is written to find the remainder when a number is divided by its number of digits. A class Digits is constructed which has public variable num and methods read(), digit_count(), countDigits().
- read() - This method reads value of num from the user and return num.
- digit_count() - This method takes a integer as parameter and counts the number of digits of a number passed as argument. while loop is used to increement the counter until num<0. This returns the value of count.
- countDigits() - This method takes a integer as a parameter and returns remainder when the argument is divided by number of digits of argument. Number of digits is calculated by using method digit_count().
At last in main method , object of Digits class is created and its methods are used to find the output.