Industries and agriculture are interdependent i.e. they depend upon each other. The source of raw materials for industries comes from agriculture. For example: sugarcane for sugar industry, animal skin for leather industry, etc. Dairy industries also require raw materials that come from agriculture.
Have a nice day!!! :)
B. El cambio a estado presente .
It began in 1955 and ended in 1975.
Social structure <u>in both</u><em> Latin America before the wars for Independence and France before the French revolution</em> was <em>characterized by rich ruling minority and poor subjugated majority</em>. The Catholic Church represented by the Clergy occupied the top position in both Latin America, followed by nobles in France and Peninsulars in Latin America. The poor minority in these regions was heavily taxed and mistreated which lead to revolting against the ruling higher classes.
Meanwhile, the <u>key difference</u> between social structures in Latin America and France was laying in the fact that <u>in Latin America it was heavily marked by ethnicity</u>, while <u>in France it was not</u>.
For example, in major parts of Latin America, Peninsulars were the pure-blood noble Spaniards that came from Spain to rule over Spanish colonies (corresponding to French nobles). On the bottom of Latin American social structure were Mulatto (mix of white an black blood), Mestizos (mix of white and Indigenous American blood) and ultimately African slaves.
Personal injury claim
Because Sarah was injures in the store, she can claim personal injury based on the fact that the store failed its duty towards its customers. The duty of the store is to keep walkways clear of any kind of obstructions that can cause potential harm to customers. Remodeling does not count as altered circumstances as the store was open to customers.
In order to receive a compensation, Sarah has to report the accident to the store management and make a compensation claim. The store can be liable for department store tripping accident compensation claim, for not removing any trip hazard.